The Academy project SV-A-R: Sweden in the EU and NATO – Deterrence and Resilience

Bilateral Defense Cooperation Agreements (DCAs) with the US and European Strategic Autonomy with additional comments

Av , |2025-03-14T08:26:04+01:0013 mar 2025|Kategorier: Background and overview, Bakgrund och överblick, Militär förmåga och militära operationer, Military Capabilities/Operations, Project SV-A-R, Projekt SV-A-R|Taggar: DCA, DCA-avtalet, EU, Nato, Transatlantic relations, USA|

The transatlantic security relationship stands at a critical juncture as [...]

informal summary of the Bundestag report on German defence for 2024

Av |2025-03-12T07:23:23+01:0012 mar 2025|Kategorier: Background and overview, Bakgrund och överblick, Militär förmåga och militära operationer, Military Capabilities/Operations, Project SV-A-R, Projekt SV-A-R, Ticker|Taggar: Germany|

Read more: Summary of  the German Bundestag Parliamentary Commissioner [...]

A Primer on Security Guarantees in the Context of the Russian war against Ukraine and Implications for NATO, the EU and Sweden

Av |2025-03-14T16:56:14+01:0011 mar 2025|Kategorier: Background and overview, Bakgrund och överblick, Crosscutting issues, Kärnvapen och relaterade strategiska frågor, Militär förmåga och militära operationer, Project SV-A-R, Projekt SV-A-R|Taggar: EU, Nato, Russia, Sweden, Ukraine|

The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has sparked complex debates about [...]

Compilation of Studies on Securing a Ceasefire in Ukraine and Their Consideration of Potential Russian Violations – drawing particularly on OSCE experiences

Av |2025-03-10T07:06:00+01:0010 mar 2025|Kategorier: Background and overview, Bakgrund och överblick, Crosscutting issues, Övergripande frågor, Project SV-A-R, Projekt SV-A-R, Ticker, Ukraina|

Read more: In recent years, particularly as the Russia-Ukraine [...]

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