Omvärldsläget uppdateras kontinuerligt
I ambitionen att ligga på framkant avseende en bred uppföljning av säkerhetssituationen publiceras månatliga uppdateringar av omvärldsläget författade av ledamoten Michael Sahlin är fil dr och ambassadör samt tidigare generaldirektör för FBA och tidigare statssekreterare. Sahlin har en lång erfarenhet av internationell verksamhet, bl a utrikes- och säkerhetspolitisk analys. Michael Sahlin inledde den 18 oktober 2020 med en analys med anledning av det då stundande presidentvalet i USA. Du kan kommentera och dela alla hemsidans artiklar vidare via LinkedIn »
The Syrian revolution, Phase 2: Irael and Turkey seizes the opportunity
Perhaps it can be debated whether “revolution” is a useful [...]
Syria up in flames, again
Once again, after almost a decade of relative quiet in [...]
The bumpy road to ceasefire – Lessons from Lebanon and Gaza, and Sudan, and for Ukraine
Happy news from Lebanon, for its battered people and for [...]
Trump – En folkvald ”diktator”, för en dag, eller kanske ett år?
Det skulle ju vara ett så otroligt jämnt val, enligt [...]
Sudan – The world’s forgotten humanitarian (and political) disaster
While the world struggles with the task of coming to [...]
Centimeter från katastrof – Vad händer nu?
Knappt hade Donald Trump – i valmötet i Butler Farm [...]
The world after Feb 24, 2022: The dilemma of (“successful”) deterrence, Cases of Ukraine and Middle East
Deterrence in the context of contemporary geo-political turbulence, i.e., “successful [...]
Joe Biden´s mardröm om Gaza
Även för en betydligt yngre amerikansk president skulle den aktuella [...]
Local elections in Turkey – A cold shower for “invincible” Erdogan
An astonishing volte-face in Turkish politics, and a cold shower [...]
Looming disaster over Gaza – One week before Ramadan
The arrival of the holy Muslim month of Ramadan this [...]
From Russia with love? Putin to visit a NATO country, Turkey
Soon, it seems, it is really happening, after much back-and-forth, [...]
Things fall apart in the Middle East: Scenery after Blinken’s fourth Mena tour
While the instant decision by the Biden administration, pressed by [...]
Approaching 2024: The anatomy of security concerns – Globally and regionally
As the problematic year 2023 storms towards its conclusion, carrying [...]
Winds of war over Gaza – and beyond
As conditions in the US Congress, with House GOP:s frantically [...]
Demise of Nagorno Karabach – Decline of multilateral Peace-keeping
Late September 2023 witnessed the brutal and tragic end by [...]
An enlarged BRICS – A serious challenge to US/Western hegemony? The jury is still out
The recently concluded summit of BRICS, since 2009 consisting of [...]