The new project page for the Academy is launched with the ambition of creating an overview and structure of the debate within the Academy in the areas that the SV-A-R project will try to highlight.

It is an important goal to broaden the analysis of various security problems to a discussion throughout the Academy rather than departmentally.

While the website for is primarily structured chronologically, with the latest news first, the page available in Swedish and English will highlight the posts central to understanding the work in each project area. Therefore, everything produced on the website in the respective area will not be reproduced here. Nor what is found in Gulan and as an addition through Open Access.

At the bottom of the page is a link to another website administered by the project manager with material mainly produced outside the Academy, for example, summit documents, strategy documents, etc.

To participate in the project discussion, the members are invited to write continuously within the framework of the Academy’s own group on LinkedIn. Search for membership here: