The Royal Academy of War Sciences Proceedings and Journals – Open Access

Titel Författare Publicerad Länk Taggar Kategori
Instructor Buy-In: Pitfalls and Opportunities in Wargaming  Elg, Johan 2019:2 Öppna Tidskrift
The Russo-Ukrainian War and the art of opportunism  Käihkö, Ilmari 2019:2 Öppna Lawrence Freedman : Ukraine and the Art of Strategy Litteratur
CPA Responsibility in The Rise of the Islamic State Dahl Acker, Isabelle 2019:3 Öppna Analys & perspektiv
Strategy, State-centrism and Pessimism – the Case of Russia, 2019 Käihkö, Ilmari 2019:3 Öppna Analys & perspektiv
Strategy Strikes Back Raitasalo, Jyri 2018:4 Öppna Analys & perspektiv
Psychological operations – Influencing the other by understanding the cultural topography Birkeland, Jacob 2018:3 Öppna Analys & perspektiv
Risks with a Public Perception of a Qualitative Edge Häggblom, Robin 2018:4 Öppna Analys & perspektiv
Quo Vadis, Militare?- Evolution of Military Affairs from a Business Architecture Viewpoint Mattila, Juha Kai and Parkinson, Simon 2018:4 Öppna Analys & perspektiv
CBRN Threats Short of War Anthony, Ian 2021:4 Öppna Inaugural speech Handlingar
Influencing Populations on the Strategic Battlefield – Concepts of Warfare in Operational Environments of the Future Nilsson, Martin 2021:4 Öppna Analys & perspektiv
Revisiting the Arab Spring – The Cases of Tunisia and Egypt Abouzeedan, Adli 2022:1 Öppna Analys & perspektiv
Germanys elusive Russia strategy Nyberg, René 2022:1 Öppna John Lough : Germanys Russia Problem: The Struggle for Balance in Europé Litteratur
Do Air Forces Write Cheques They Cannot Cash – A Philosophical Challenge to Influence Operations Palmer, Michael 2022:2 Öppna Inträdesanförande Handlingar
Personnel Recovery and Unmanned Systems – An Opportunity Waiting To Be Seized Winberg, Michael 2022:1 Öppna Analys & perspektiv
Let US design our future by thinking in time J R 2022:2 Öppna Analys & perspektiv
The Swedish Armed Forces värdegrund Doctrine, Ethos or Culture Strömgren, Victor 2022:2 Öppna Analys & perspektiv
From Home Guard to Space Force – The Crucial Need for Auftragstaktik at Higher Command Cako, Stefan, Brantberg, John 2022:2 Öppna Analys & perspektiv
Danish Thoughts on Finnish and Swedish NATO Membership Hesselholt Clemmesen, Michael 2022:3 Öppna Analys & perspektiv
The Security Policy Situation in Sweden von Sydow, Björn 2020:2 Öppna Analys & perspektiv
Are we ready to command with less control? J R 2020:2 Öppna Analys & perspektiv
Maritime Human Smuggling and Implications for Littoral Operations Thomsson, Peter 2020:2 Öppna Analys & perspektiv
A most welcome encyclopaedia Eudeline, Hugues 2020:1 Öppna Lars Wedin : From Sun Tzu to hyperwar: a strategic encyclopaedia Litteratur
The United States National Defense Strategy – Consequences for Swedish Defense Policy Raeder, Johan 2020:1 Öppna Inaugural Speech Handlingar
A Trump Second Term and International Security Zakheim, Dov S 2020:1 Öppna Analys & perspektiv
Let us Fight the Future and Not Rebuild the Past J R 2021:3 Öppna Analys & perspektiv
Detecting and countering radicalisation online. A review of recent literature Winberg, Michael 2021:3 Öppna Analys & perspektiv
United States Military Space Organization Acker, Bruce 2021:3 Öppna Inaugural speech Handlingar
Hydrogen as a fuel source in the armed forces, A potential future use of hydrogen as a fuel source in military application Tagesson, Filip 2022:4 Öppna Analys & perspektiv
Keeping an open mindset, Why military intelligence continues to be behind open-source information Winberg, Michael 2022:4 Öppna Analys & perspektiv
The Leadership of Charles A. Horner – The Man, the Fighter Pilot, and the Commander Olsen, John Andreas 2021:2 Öppna Inträdesanförande, Inaugural Speech Handlingar
Great Power Maritime Competition and Ramifications for Small States Thomsson, Peter 2021:2 Öppna Analys & perspektiv
Putin’s Russia as Strategic Competitor Kiili, Meelis 2021:2 Öppna Analys & perspektiv
Does NATO have a future? Böttcher, Fabian 2023:1 Öppna Analys & perspektiv
What is strategy? Wedin, Lars 2023:1 Öppna Analys & perspektiv
The Mass Approach in the Air War Over Ukraine, Towards identifying a critical mass Fedorchak, Viktoriya 2023:1 Öppna Analys & perspektiv
Identity, Disciplinarity and Doctoral Education, The Case of War Studies Larsdotter, Kersti 2023:2 Öppna Tidskrift
What consequences to be expected from conflict between China and the United States over Taiwan? Eudeline, Hugues 2023:2 Öppna Analys & perspektiv
Sweden, NATO (and Turkey) – and the New War on Terror Michael Sahlin 2023:3 Öppna Analys & perspektiv
Is Norway’s New F35 a ‘Game Changer’? – On interaction in Military Organizations Mobech-Hanssen, Bjørn 2023:3 Öppna Tidskrift
Art and Science in Air Power Strategy Wellborg, Tommy 2023:3 Öppna Analys & perspektiv
Military identifying marks as propaganda tools – ‘The strength is in the truth’ Iserell, Vladimir 2023:3 Öppna Analys & perspektiv
Innovate or Die – A guide into the military research ecosystem Schüler, Martin 2023:3 Öppna Analys & perspektiv
Towards a Theory of Military Exercises – Implications for Warfighting Potential Norberg, Johan 2023:4 Öppna Tidskrift
A2/AD in combined joint multi-domain operations Wikingsson, Jon 2024:1 Öppna Analys & perspektiv
Deterrence by Exposure? – A Study of Declassified Intelligence before Russia’s Attack on Ukraine Teirilä, Olli 2024:1 Öppna Analys & perspektiv
The symbol of the new Russia? – The white-blue-white flag and its narrative Iserell, Vladimir 2024:1 Öppna Analys & perspektiv
Rethinking Military Planning for Modern Warfare – Transitioning Towards Agile Decision-Making Wallin, Mathias 2024:1 Öppna Analys & perspektiv
RSAWS Proceedings and Journal RSAWS Proceedings and Journal 2024:1 Öppna Full text in English
An Academy of its Time von Sydow, Björn 2024:1 Öppna Appendix
Sweden is Finland’s Closest Partner Ålander, Minna 2024:2 Öppna Theme NATO
The long Swedish road into NATO Andrén, Krister 2024:2 Öppna Theme NATO
The Tug of War – NATO’s Conventional Forces in the Shadow of Russian Nuclear Brinkmanship Gyllensporre, Dennis 2024:2 Öppna Appendix Theme NATO
The air war in Ukraine – What general conclusions can be drawn and which of these are applicable in a Swedish context? Liljegren, Magnus 2024:2 Öppna Appendix Theme NATO
On military diplomacy and strategic signaling Wedin, Lars 2024:2 Öppna Appendix Theme NATO
RSAWS Proceedings and Journal RSAWS Proceedings and Journal 2024:2 Öppna Full text in English Theme NATO
Rethinking Sweden’s geopolitics and Cold War experience in light of its NATO membership Tae Hoon Kim 2024:3 Öppna Analys & perspektiv
How innovation impacts global security Huskaj, Gazmend 2024:3 Öppna Analys & perspektiv
The islands in the Baltic Sea – assets or a problem for NATO Neretnieks, Karlis 2024:3 Öppna Bihäfte Bihäfte